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24.01.2014 21:34:51

Новинка 2014 года HANDROID Full CE

Самые технологичные и передовые мотоперчатки в мире HANDROID Full CE . Добились одоборения СЕ .

Перчатки получили заслуженное признание по всем требованиям и стали одними из немногих для проффесионального спорта.

Успешно прошли 15 независимых тестов и испытаний.

Такие как :


  • Сопротивление истиранию
  • Устойчивость к порезам
  • Прочность на разрыв
  • Прочность шва
  • Ударопрочность

Так же не моловажное испытание на ловкость рук , что позволяет легко управлять мотоциклом .

ndependently tested and certified to the latest European standard prEN13594 2012 [“Protective gloves for motorcycle riders”], the Handroid is one of only a handful of gloves the meet the rigorous demands. To make the grade, Handroid had to pass no less than 15 different tests, including;

  • Abrasion resistance
  • Cut Resistance
  • Tear Strength
  • Seam Strength
  • Impact resistance

Gloves are also tested for dexterity, to ensure that the rider can still operate controls easily while wearing them, as well as restraint, so they won’t fly off in an accident.  Made from Japanese race leather, with Kangaroo palms and the additional benefit of Knox SPS ‘sliders’, both the Handroid and short-cuffHandroid Pod passed all tests with flying colours.

“There are many gloves appearing with CE labels, but hardly any that meet the toughest standard for motorcycle riders. Being approved to EN13594 proves that Handroid not only have the most advanced specification, but also offer real protection too” says Knox founder Geoff Travell.

i. Knox Scaphoid Protection System (SPS) is Patent protected under EU registered Patent No:EP1594378

ii. The new version of prEN 13594:2012 will replace the original EN 13594:2002. The new standard widens its application to include not only gloves for professional use, but also all those used in motorcycle sports.